Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Still hunting for the perfect gift? Look no further. This gift idea is bound to make even the pickiest person smile. Most importantly, it brings joy and purpose to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. (BONUS: No shipping required!) Give in your loved one's honor! When…
What a year. 2020 could have been absolutely devastating for the thousands of children we serve around the world... But God is faithful! He's used gifts from people like you to help hundreds of Christian families adopt, to bring Gospel-centered care to over 16,000 vulnerable kids in 13…
In 2010, my husband and I were waiting to adopt our first child. It was Christmas, and we were tired. No, we were weary. Having officially been matched with our son for nearly 3 years at that point (after being told our process could take as little as 9 months)…
Bob Hoerr is a husband, father, grandfather, and has served as Board Chairman & CEO of his family's commercial construction businesses for the past 25 years. He also serves on the Lifesong board of directors. He writes— Nearly 16 years ago, I entered into what has become…
Meet Vitaly and Vania. They were very young when social services removed them from their home and placed them in the orphanage where our staff first met them. The older of the two brothers, Vitaly was the first to graduate from the orphanage. And like most young adults…
While you're shopping around for the perfect gifts this season, consider buying from these brands that give back! While some of them give back to Lifesong, many of them support diverse causes and missions.You can find a gift for everyone... For the activist... MudLove THE PRODUCT:If you're on…
The holiday season is here! And while this year may not feel normal, some things will be the same. From online shopping sessions, to school projects and performances, to spending time with family, these days will be filled with to-do lists and schedules. But tucked in the midst…
Guest blog by David & Jackie Askvig In early 2015, we had two young children and began to feel God pushing us toward adoption. We narrowed our focus to foster care and felt God confirming that we should begin our journey right away. We sold our home and…
Dave and Mandy Litzke (pictured above with 16 of their children) believe God put them here on earth for 3 main reasons—1) to love Jesus, 2) to show their scars, and 3) to tell their story. So here is their incredible story of God's faithfulness to their family—…
The Mitchell family, pictured above, had an uncharacteristically short adoption wait and needed the help of their church to raise their adoption funds quickly. With a Hearts of Compassion 5K run, they raised $10,000 in a weekend and brought their little girl home. Hearts of Compassion began in…