What Is the Next Right Thing?

“Just do the next right thing.”
It’s the rallying cry of those who support foster or adoption work and ministry.
In fact, here at Lifesong, it’s a big part of our mission. We believe God calls every Christ-follower to care for orphans and those who cannot care for themselves. So we mobilize the Church to reach orphans, where each member can provide a unique and special service: some to adopt, some to care, some to give.
In other words, we aren’t all called to adopt or serve overseas, but we can all do something. It’s simply a matter of determining your next right thing.
If this sounds daunting—as stepping into the unknown usually is—take a moment to watch a powerful testimony from…
The DiYannis
Phil and Teresa have always loved kids and parenting.
And they’ve always had a heart for children in need of family. Teresa’s parents fostered when she was growing up, and then her parents adopted a little boy when she was a teenager.
Teresa says, “Phil and I would probably have pursued adoption early in our marriage, but we started having kids right away, so it was put on hold.”
So they raised their 4 girls for the glory of God. And life was busy and wonderful.
What more could they ask for?

But Teresa never forgot her desire to adopt.
In fact, her conviction that God wanted her to adopt grew stronger over time.
There was only one problem.
By Phil’s own admission, he was hesitant to adopt. God had already blessed their family with 4 children who were now grown, and he was in his 50s—past the point, in his opinion, when they should be starting the adoption process. He was looking forward to an empty nest, retirement, and comfort.
“I just always felt we could help fund kingdom work,” He explains.
So they became joyful, generous supporters of orphan and adoption ministry. And they impacted many lives and families who were opening their homes to children in need.
But, in Phil’s words, he was scared to step out in faith and do anything else.
Fear vs. faith
Stepping out in faith to do the next right thing—whatever that may be—can be really scary.
Whether it’s sponsoring a child, getting a license to foster, starting the adoption process, or traveling overseas, saying yes to God without knowing all the answers can be intimidating.
Yet, God doesn’t call us to take the easy road. He invites us to step out of our comfort zone and to follow Him.
Each Friday, we share stories here on the blog from families who have adopted with the help of Lifesong adoption funding. It only takes reading a few of these stories to discover a theme: fear or uncertainty about the unknown.
In each of these stories, solutions aren’t found in air-tight answers—solutions are always stepping out in faith.
Sometimes instead of fear vs. faith, we must choose to move forward with fear and faith, trusting God will lead each step of the way and do what’s right for us for the children in need who are close to His heart.
Do the next right thing.
How God continued calling the DiYannis
Phil and Teresa started connecting with other like-minded foster care, orphan care, and adoption advocates. They became welcomed, faithful members of the Lifesong community, quickly learning that God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways to care for the kids who need the love of a family.
In fact, it was at a Lifesong event in Florida that God impressed on their hearts that it was time to take the next step.
This event became the catalyst to do the next right thing.
And one simple “yes” would change the DiYannis’ entire family.
See what God did in Phil and Teresa’s life when they said yes!
Their one “yes” changed two lives.
Shortly after attending the event in Florida and stepping out in faith to say yes, two little boys were placed in the DiYannis home—brothers, aged 2 and 5. Phil and Teresa instantly fell in love, adopted them, and are raising them for the glory of God.
Today, Phil struggles to communicate how very much his life has been enriched because of the decision to take the next step.
“These two little boys have brought such life into our family.”
Phil says, “I wish to communicate fully to those who are considering making the same type of decision. Our lives are different! They are enriched. They are full of joy and love and serving. We are on the right path! The Bible is true—if you lose your life for His sake, you’ll find it.”
Your next step
What is your next right thing?
Is God calling you to adopt, to give, to go? Does He want you to foster? We can all do something. Here at Lifesong, we’d like to encourage you on whatever path God is calling you to travel.
As Phil says, “God’s work always gets done. And He’ll find someone else if He needs to. But is that really what we want?”
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