Reach Children in
Your Community
Reach This Community
Children are not the only ones affected by foster care
Children often enter foster care with only the clothes on their back. Many sit in offices for hours while caseworkers search for a willing foster home.
Vulnerable Adults
As youth age out of the foster care system, many do so without the love or guidance of family and remain at risk.
Foster & Kinship Families
Foster and Kinship families face many challenges caring for children who’ve experienced trauma. Many end up feeling physically and emotionally unprepared.
Agency Workers
Foster care workers carry heavy caseloads that require complicated decisions, leading to high levels of burnout which affects children in care.
Connect with one of these trusted Foster Care ministries
We believe collaboration between like-minded ministries is the best way to reach more vulnerable children. Learn more about some of the ministries and foster care leaders we partner with and recommend to care for children and engage the Church throughout the United States.

Additional Lifesong Ministry Partners serving local Foster Care Communities: