We believe God calls us to care for orphans and those who cannot care for themselves.

We believe God calls us to care for orphans and those who cannot care for themselves.


“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living


“Our Children” Will:

Be taught the Gospel and how to live as a follower of Jesus Christ

Not want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

Receive a quality education to provide a foundation for their future

Experience continued love and support while transitioning into adult living

Where we serve

Together with people like you, we help support 10,644 children around the world.

We partner with local leaders to provide holistic, Gospel-centered care to orphaned and vulnerable children and preserve families.

Because your money should go where you want it to go

Lifesong administrative costs are already covered, so every penny of your received donation will go to help children in need.

You can help one child today

Sponsor A Child

Changing a child’s future is easier than you think. When it comes to family preservation and orphan care, nothing is more impactful than child sponsorship.

Partially Sponsored


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Empower Graduates and Caregivers

You can help prevent orphans by strengthening family and community development

Break The Orphan Cycle

Sustainable Business

Generate income to fuel orphan care projects. Provide critical work for caregivers. Create future jobs for graduates to learn meaningful skills.

“Our hope is that we continue living out our mission of bringing joy and purpose to orphans and vulnerable children by discipling future leaders of Zambia through Biblical truth and educational excellence.”

Zambia Ministry Social Worker

“I was once close to starvation, almost ready to die, waiting on food from morning until midnight, but now I have no fear. I call Him ‘Father’ now.”

Cambodia Children’s Home Resident

“What I have come to understand since being at Village of Hope is that ALL life is valuable. Jesus gave everything He had for me. The cost was high, but He believed I was worth it.”

Guatemala Home Resident

Opportunities to Serve

Global Worker Opportunities

Join one of our teams in-country for 3 to 5 years. Come see how God can use you in what He is doing around the world.

Short-Term Mission Teams

Take a trip—either as an individual or as part of a small team—and see firsthand the work that you are supporting.

International Partnerships

Partner with one of our specific orphan care countries and make a 2- or 3-year commitment to adopt one of our orphan care initiatives.

Orphan Sunday

Get free resources to build a successful Orphan Sunday for your family or church.