Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
The prospect of raising adoption funds is rarely an enjoyable one. For a variety of reasons, many families struggle to ask friends and family for help when paying the astronomical expenses associated with adoption. The fear of making people uncomfortable weighs heavy. Jeff and Liza (pictured above) understand. They recently brought their…
In 2001, two 21-year-old missionaries took turns holding a precious little girl who had been orphaned as a result of an epidemic in Kenya. Although we could not physically take this little lady home with us, what we took home spiritually was more significant. Simultaneously birthed within both…
Choosing career, getting married, having children... From the time you were knee-high, you were likely asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and you had the luxury of changing your answers as often as you changed your clothes. Getting an education wasn't an "if," but a "when," and…
Insensitive comments from people who are unfamiliar with children from hard places are nothing new in the adoption community. Here are 3 things to consider when talking about the children in our care: 1. Whether or not we are speaking to our children, we are speaking to our children.…
Ken, a new adoptive dad, sent us a letter that we posted on our Lifesong bulletin board. We'd like to share it with you. Why do families go to such great expense to adopt children? Some would say it's to avoid an "unfulfilling life." I know parents for whom adoption has…
5 years ago today, my husband and I met our son for the first time. He was wearing a girl's shirt and receiving a breathing treatment when I first laid eyes on him. Truthfully, I needed the oxygen at that moment. He took my breath away and has continued to do…
We had already received guardianship of two former foster sisters and thought we had done our part as Christians for orphan care when God brought across our path a picture of an 11-year-old Chinese girl. After looking up her file and seeing how many orphans needed a home,…
A New Venture for Lifesong Liberia. Lifesong Liberia has started a new business! A new venture named Lifesong Water was recently launched in Monrovia, where there is great need for purified drinking water. Lifesong Water is helping meet that need, while providing production and marketing training for some of…
It was moving day in Bolivia. Both the Boys' and the Girls' homes moved into new houses this month. There was an amazing property that became available for the boys, who have been looking for more space for a year, and the homeowner also had a family member…
Lifesong schools exist to prepare students--mentally and spiritually--to launch into the world. So it would seem appropriate at the end of a school year to reflect on the goodness of God. At the end of the school year, each of the three Lifesong school campuses in Ethiopia has its own…