Lifesong Blog

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Life Touching Life | Lifesong Ukraine

It was a very eventful recent Christmas season with various programs and big events! Here is a brief recap of what God is doing in Ukraine through your prayer and support-- Our first Christmas event was a New Life meeting for 40 young women and their 25 children…

Summer Camp in 7 Exciting Photos | Ukraine Update

Summer presents many unique opportunities here and around the world for Christians to share the Gospel with kids in need. For teams in Ukraine, this is no exception. With Constant Christian Presence (CCP) programs, multiple farm sites, and summer-specific camp ministries, the teams in Ukraine spend the hot summer months…

A Plea for Prayer in Ukraine

The older children become, the harder it can be to maintain their interest in Christian camps and discipleship programs. This is not abnormal, but it is a challenge the team in Ukraine faces daily as they seek to take the Gospel to kids in need. Bogdan, one of the faithful…

How Camp Is Changing Lives in Ukraine

Endless laughter, sunkissed faces, lifelong friends... With summer officially underway, camps here in the U.S. and around the world are in full swing. At Lifesong Ukraine, staff and children are in the midst of their busy camp season. These 5- to 7-day camps include studying the Bible, playing games, hiking outdoors, and singing around…

Hope Through Hosting | Family Friday

We initially met our daughter, Stacey, in the summer of 2013 through an orphan hosting program. She was considered “host only” which means she was not available for adoption, so unlike other times we have parented other children in our home through foster care, there was never even…