"I Don't Want This Child" | Ukraine Country Update

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My name is Svetya and I am 22 years old.

When I was one year old, my mom left me in a baby house. She simply brought me to the orphanage and said, “I don’t want this child.” After staying there for six years, I was transferred to another orphanage in Sakhnovshchyna where I lived and studied for ten years. Later, I moved to the Louboutin orphanage where I finished high school.

My biggest childhood dream was to have loving, caring parents. It was a big burden for me.

With particular joy, I would always wait for the Lifesong team to visit us in the orphanages (in Sakhno and Louboutin). I loved spending time with the team, playing games, learning new and meaningful things for my life.
Most importantly, they brought the light of the Gospel into the orphanage and our hearts.

Svetya, for whom God has good and wonderful plans.

Over the years God would persistently knock on the door of my heart, reminding me of my sinful nature and about His love. In March of 2013, I decided to leave my old life and live for God and His glory. In April 2014, I was baptized and became a member of Kharkov Central Baptist Church.

How I’m Doing Now

Thanks to the Lord and His mercy, I do ministry in the church and outside of its walls. God has blessed me with a voice and the ability to sing. While in the orphanages, I would often sing at different school events and would take part in music contests.
Today I sing in our church choir and praise with my voice the One who gave it to me. I am also blessed to do ministry at Camp Prostor as a worship band member. I also work at Farm 1 where I pick berries, supervise other girls who work at the farm, trim plants, and do other necessary work to make sure our facilities are in order. Besides that, I mentor girls who I have known for a long time.

They have also been through the orphanage, just like me. I pray for them, and I try to be an example of a godly life to them. It is my desire that they too open their hearts to the Lord and find their joy and meaning in Him.




No child should grow up without someone praying for her.

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