Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Shauna's House is now open to orphan graduates! Shauna Yelton saw the devastation first-hand.When a Ukrainian orphan ages out of an orphanage at age 18, there is a 70% to 80% chance that he or she will experience crime, prostitution, suicide or drug overdose within two years.…
Your support helps change the lives of orphans around the world. Whether through adoption funding or orphan care, lives--like Yarik's--are being transformed by the Gospel. Here is his story. MEET YARIK 9-year-old Yarik is one of 18 siblings in the Vyshnykov family in Ukraine--7 boys and 11 girls.…
Almost ready ...! Shauna Yelton could not have imagined what her commitment to orphans in Ukraine would do to change lives. Shauna first traveled to Ukraine accompanied by a close friend. Shocked by what she discovered, her glimmer of passion quickly grew into a cause. Determined to help…
Your support is changing the lives of orphans around the world. Whether through adoption funding or orphan care, lives--like Vasiliy's--are being transformed by the Gospel. Here is his story. MEET VASILIY Vasiliy was just 6 years old when he lost his parents. As a result, he was…
It was a very eventful recent Christmas season with various programs and big events! Here is a brief recap of what God is doing in Ukraine through your prayer and support-- Our first Christmas event was a New Life meeting for 40 young women and their 25 children…
Your support helps change the lives of orphans around the world. Whether through adoption funding or orphan care, lives--like Natasha's--are being transformed by the Gospel. Here is her story. MEET NATASHA Natasha and her 8 siblings were left at an orphanage when they were very young. As a result, they grew up…
My name is Svetya and I am 22 years old. When I was one year old, my mom left me in a baby house. She simply brought me to the orphanage and said, “I don’t want this child.” After staying there for six years, I was transferred to…
Summer presents many unique opportunities here and around the world for Christians to share the Gospel with kids in need. For teams in Ukraine, this is no exception. With Constant Christian Presence (CCP) programs, multiple farm sites, and summer-specific camp ministries, the teams in Ukraine spend the hot summer months…
The older children become, the harder it can be to maintain their interest in Christian camps and discipleship programs. This is not abnormal, but it is a challenge the team in Ukraine faces daily as they seek to take the Gospel to kids in need. Bogdan, one of the faithful…
When like-minded believers around the world strive to reach a common goal, extraordinary things happen. Many of us want to reach orphans around the world with the love of Christ. Yet, not being called to adopt or not having several thousand dollars to do so prevents us from reaching fatherless children in other…