A Plea for Prayer in Ukraine
The older children become, the harder it can be to maintain their interest in Christian camps and discipleship programs.
This is not abnormal, but it is a challenge the team in Ukraine faces daily as they seek to take the Gospel to kids in need. Bogdan, one of the faithful team leaders writes–
In a time of social networks and Internet, kids are tempted to lose a sense of reality and any interest to pursue real communication. But we stand in faith and trust our mighty God Who changes lives of orphans no matter what!
Using tools like cooking classes, camps, soccer, and crafts, the team goes into the Zap and Lubotin orphanages to build mentoring relationships with kids who want to know more about Christ. As the kids grow into young adults, we invite them to join Lifesong Ukraine’s Transition Program. Here, they receive support and accountability to transition into adult life successfully. These transition homes provide weekly Bible studies, counseling, and transportation to church.

Meet Denis
Hello! My name is Denis, and I’m a graduate of Matveevka orphanage. Because my parents were drinking hard, I was taken to the orphanage at the age of 8, where I grew up there and finished 11 classes. I knew that some volunteers were constantly visiting our orphanage, so I became interested in what they were doing. I started to visit Lifesong classes. There I met Egor and Sasha. When I was in the 11th grade my future was a big question for me – what to do next, where to live, how to live. Just then, I received an offer to be a part of a Transition Program, and I agreed to live in a Transition Home.
The Transition Home was the place where I saw another way of life, a life with God.
People around me were good examples for me to follow. After a while I repented and was baptized. Now I’m a child of God! Today my life represents hope for a better future–that anyone can have in Jesus–for those orphans who come for weekends to our Transition Home. God also gave me ministry in the church where I can serve the teenagers. I’m so thankful to God for His presence in my life and His help. I thank my Lord for the people who support me and take care of my life.
Would you pray with us?
Please pray passionately for all the boys, girls, and young adults seen in pictures throughout this post. Would you pray, specifically, that God would protect them and compel them to continue pursuing relationships with mentors and other Christian brothers and sisters? We know God loves them deeply–as do we!
Pray for young adults in Ukraine to grow in the Lord.
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