Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
"Hello, Neighbor." With those two little words—and the familiar opening song and sequence—viewers like you and me who grew up watching Mister Rogers' Neighborhood are instantly transported back to the cozy, low-tech set we knew and loved. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to travel back…
Movies can be a helpful catalyst for conversation. And since adoption is a time-tested theme in entertainment, many choices exist. Not all family-friendly movies containingan adoption element are a good idea, however.If you're looking to avoid a movie (a.k.a.The Avengers) whose on-screen answer to a killer's spree was, "He's…
Here at Lifesong, we believe every month is adoption awareness month. But we're grateful November has been recognized nationally as National Adoption Awareness Month! Whether or not you have been personally impacted by adoption, here are 3 ways you can make this month impactful— 1. Spread awareness. Beginning Friday, November 1,…
In Lusaka, Zambia—a city of over 1 million people—is a tiny compound called Kalingalinga. Here, the roads are dusty as the sun beats an eternal inferno on the heads of street vendors selling vegetables to make ends meet.Children laughas they maneuver a tire around the deep puddles from…
The average American will spend approximately $650 on gifts this year. Which, according to the National Retail Federation, will total more than $465 billion during this holiday season. That's a lot of money, and it's a lot of opportunities to impact lives. Regardless of whether we spend $700…
Prayer is easily one of our best and most underutilized tools. It's not because we don'twantto pray. Nor is it because we don't believe prayer is powerful. Sometimes we simply don't knowwhatto pray. Life—and specifically adoption—can get really complicated, so sometimes we end up making vague requests or…
"Something needs to change!" David Platt's vulnerable new book, Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need takes you along on a journey through the Himalayan mountains where Platt witnesses urgent physical and spiritual need. He then wrestles with hard questions…
You are raising an incredible, resilient child. And, by design, you are your child's greatest cheerleader. You get to champion the story. As a fellow adoptive parent, I have the desire to shout from the rooftops what God is doing in my child's life. Even further, I want…
Caring for children in need is not a natural decision. If it were instinctive, far more people would do it. And God wouldn't need to remind us throughout the Bible to make it a priority. Caring for children in need—whether working in Southeast Asia to rescue children from trafficking,…
How do you want to spend your retirement? Ever think that God might call you to add another child to your family? Would you be willing to open your heart and your home to a foster child or a newly adopted child? Here at Lifesong, we were overjoyed…