Lifesong Blog

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When Adoption Is Hard

Adoption is good, But it can also be very hard. I know this first-hand from my own experience as an adoptee and adoptive parent. And I know this because of countless, tender examples shared with me by people on the adoption journey. One of the great privileges of…

From Orphan to International Adoptee

During the month of November—National Adoption Month—we’re honored to lift up various voices from the adoption triad: the child, the birth parents, and the adoptive parents. Today’s guest post comes from Amanda Carpenter, speaking into her life as a former orphan and an international adoptee and adoptive mom. In her…

The Good, Hard Yes of Adoption

Many of the adopting families we serve share their stories with us. And since you make those stories possible, we love sharing them with you. One of those families is the Krals. Here's their story— When Jeremy and Rachel Kral first considered adoption, they decided it…

November is National Adoption Month!

Here at Lifesong, we believe every month is adoption awareness month. But we're grateful November has been recognized nationally as National Adoption Awareness Month! Whether or not you have been personally impacted by adoption, here are 3 ways you can make this month impactful— 1. Spread awareness. Beginning Friday, November 1,…