Lifesong Blog

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Movie Night: 5 Family Films About Adoption

Movies can be a helpful catalyst for conversation. And since adoption is a time-tested theme in entertainment, many choices exist. Not all family-friendly movies containingan adoption element are a good idea, however.If you're looking to avoid a movie (a.k.a.The Avengers) whose on-screen answer to a killer's spree was, "He's…

November is National Adoption Month!

Here at Lifesong, we believe every month is adoption awareness month. But we're grateful November has been recognized nationally as National Adoption Awareness Month! Whether or not you have been personally impacted by adoption, here are 3 ways you can make this month impactful— 1. Spread awareness. Beginning Friday, November 1,…

Count Down to Orphan Sunday with Us!

On Sunday, November 10, thousands of men and women across the globe will observe Orphan Sunday by standing with 1 voice for 1 purpose. To... Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. (Psalm 82:3) While caring for orphans should always…

How to Pray about Adoption

Prayer is easily one of our best and most underutilized tools. It's not because we don'twantto pray. Nor is it because we don't believe prayer is powerful. Sometimes we simply don't knowwhatto pray. Life—and specifically adoption—can get really complicated, so sometimes we end up making vague requests or…