In Ways That Are Hard to Put into Words

Whether biological or adoptive, expecting parents rarely feel prepared for the task at hand.

But time after time, it seems like God uses the least qualified to accomplish the biggest tasks.

Adoption was well out of Jacob and Hannah’s reach due to funding. But their lack of resources was no issue for our all-capable God. With help from a Lifesong matching grant, their two sons are home from Ukraine. In Hannah’s words—

We don’t mean it lightly when we say that Lifesong literally brought our children home.

There are so many factors at play during an international adoption, with finances being at the top of the list.

But because of the generosity of Lifesong’s matching grant, we were at peace. We were able to travel, retrieve our children, help them process these big life changes, file paperwork, and do what was necessary in-country without feeling anxious about money. It was raised, matched, and waiting for us when we returned home. What an incredible blessing. We are humbled by the generosity Lifesong showed.

The fundraising platform was a great asset. It’s true that when someone has a need, there are others ready and willing to fill it–but they don’t always know how to. With this matching grant, people were able to contribute to our financial needs in a safe and secure way, with the added encouragement that they were helping us reach a tangible goal.

Especially with the use of social media, our story was shared and others were able to love and encourage us.



God Provided

We come from humble means. By the world’s standards, we are not at the top of the leader board with our income. We have what we need and we live our lives to glorify God with what He’s given us.

To someone in our position, international adoption may seem out of reach–the sticker shock is real! Yet, here we are. Our children are home. God provided in ways that are hard to put into words, especially when it comes to finances.

With Lifesong’s matching grant, we were able to pay off the remaining debt, with only a few hundred dollars left to account for. Isn’t that amazing?

All this time, all this money, and God continued to provide again and again–right down to the last dollar. Praise God!


We can help. We provide adoption financial support to families, like Lindsey’s, to help them overcome the financial barriers of adoption.