Lifesong Blog

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The Power of Prayer in Adoption

Our adoption journey is marked by so many accounts that can only be explained by God's hand working in our adoption. The main detail that is such a huge part of the story God is writing through our son, Steele, is that the same day that we emailed…

Does God Ever Finally Say “Yes”?

Six months ago, my phone rang, and a voice I'd never heard before announced she was the adoption attorney and she had good news for me. (Don't forget to read the first part of this story, An Open Letter to Infertility.) I stood up really quickly and kind…

See a Family Recently Reunited! | Bolivia Update

Sometimes loving children as Christ loves them means absorbing our own hurts in order to create less hurt for them in the long run.  Specifically, here at Fundación Esperanza--also known as Lifesong Bolivia--a key element in our work is identifying children who could possibly be reunited with a biological family member.…