God Used You to Re-Write This Family’s Story

Years ago, Jack and Lindsay became aware of the plight of the orphan and the significant need for families to welcome children home.

So they determined to adopt “someday”–either after their three children were teenagers or they were able to save enough money to fund the process. Funding, after all, is the number one reason more families don’t adopt and more children don’t grow up with a family to call their own.

The more they learned about children in need, the more convinced they became that God wanted them to pursue adoption sooner than “someday.” And so–with strong conviction in their hearts and very little money in their pockets–they took the first step of faith.


A long journey filled with obstacles

Their first adoption agency filed for bankruptcy on the same day they expected to learn about the child with whom they would be matched, and then the doors on their next two adoption plans closed as well. And then, when their hearts were already confused and hurting, God allowed their precious biological son to be stillborn.

They could have quit.

Certainly friends and family would have understood. But God. God had plans to continue writing their story in a way that would do their family the greatest good and bring Him the greatest glory.
With the love and support from their family, church, and Lifesong community, they signed on with a second adoption agency and completed a third home study. And this was only the beginning of what God was about to do.

Lindsay shared, “We knew God would provide for our adoption, but we didn’t just sit around and wait for the money. I took on an extra job, we tightened our budget, and we said no to things that we normally would have done. However, when that was still not enough, God used Lifesong to multiply those small efforts and provide so much more than we could have imagined. We were able to adopt without debt!”

We could not have adopted our daughter without God’s provision through people like you. –Jack & Lindsay

Jack and Lindsay understood this was not just their family trying to adopt a child; this was the family of God pulling together to reach a child in need.

They knew from the moment they saw Liana’s file that she belonged in their family, so when the caseworker asked if they wanted to move forward with her adoption, the answer was YES!

God led them–through every twist and turn of their journey–to this child. In January 2016, God graciously allowed their family to travel to China and bring little Liana home.


Your part in this story

In Lindsay’s words, “We could not have adopted our daughter without God’s provision through people like you. Lifesong was used by God to pray for, encourage, and help fund this remarkable journey.”

When they set out to adopt, they hoped to make a difference in the life of one child. What they didn’t expect was how much it would change each of them, and how many other lives could be deeply affected. Seeing the way their children have been changed already has taught the Jones family that adoption impacts lives for generations to come. Consider it. Generations may learn the Gospel because of a single adoption.

This is one reason Jack and Lindsay are now beginning the adoption process a second time! Lindsay shared–

When you donate to Lifesong, you join families like ours whose only obstacle in obeying God and bringing children home is funding.

Thanks to thousands of donors like you, Liana is one of over 7,000 children who are now experiencing the love of a Christian family.


Every child deserves a family.