The Bumpy, Dark Road of Adoption


Adoption was in our hearts for a long time.

For Georgie the desire has been there since she was a little girl. For Wyley, it came later in our marriage when we were told we wouldn’t be able to have children. The Lord gave us three biological children and called us to the mission field, so our desire to adopt remained there but never seemed to be the “right time.” There were so many reasons that made adoption impossible, barring a miracle. We didn’t make enough money, we were living in very rural areas and were always transitioning …

… Until the Lord clearly and graciously told us to adopt as we were on a visa run in Thailand.

Our adoption started 2 years ago in what was supposed to be an 8-month process.

I wish our testimony was one of extraordinary faith, where we just trusted and steadily marched up the hill of this thing called adoption until we reached our daughter. But instead, it’s one that started with a tiny seed of faith and walked down such a bumpy road with tunnels or darkness that just displayed how weak we are but how strong He is.


Meeting Talitha

It was a matter of holding on to Him from the very beginning, as we couldn’t even find a social worker that would come to our dark corner of the world to do the home study! The Lord provided that, but then the obstacles just kept coming. First, our agency lost it’s accreditation in the middle of the process. Then we needed extra clearance from the place where we did missions and that was very difficult to get. While all this was going on, we knew we didn’t have the money to adopt nor good medical access in city for a special needs child. Through all this and more He was always faithful to give His grace and provide just what we needed. So we can firmly say that the Lord’s grace has shone every so brightly through all the darkness.


We brought Talitha Ann Rose home in November from China, from the Hunan province. She has microcephaly. Talitha is a tiny little girl with so much character and personality, and has brought us closer to the Lord and to each other. She has given us an opportunity to taste firsthand what this Heavenly Adoption–which we spread amongst those who haven’t heard–looks like. It is messy and beautiful, full of tears and joy at the same time, and in the end, makes us see His love and love Him more.


Thank you for your transparency on this “bumpy road with tunnels or darkness.” Thank you, too, for staying the course and bringing sweet Talitha home. God truly writes the best stories! 

Every waiting child deserves a family.