Lifesong Blog

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The Son They Dreamed Of

Lance and Sonya received a Lifesong interest-free loan to bring their son home from China. And their story is nothing short of a miracle. In Lance's words– Our journey to adopt our youngest son began in an unexpected way. In 2011, we were content as a family of…

A Birth Mother’s Hopes

According to the Adoption Network, 60 to 70 percent of domestic adoptions today are open. Open adoptions allow biological parents to participate in choosing their child's adoptive parents and gives them the opportunity to stay in contact with their child post-adoption. The relationship between biological and adoptive parents can…

It Was Instant Love

Love at first sight. It's the stuff of fairy tales and romantic comedies... right? Believe in it or not, nearly all parents talk about this feeling. When their son or daughter is born, many birth parents mention the instant love they had for their child. And the same…

More Than a Commandment

Awareness leads to action. Discovery leads to doing. Once Ronald and Tonya became aware of China's one-child policy, they felt moved to someday take action and adopt a little girl from China. Years later, when they discovered The Bamboo Project (an effort of Bethany Christian Services to find…

How Much Does Adoption Cost?

Funding is one of the most intimidating yet critical pieces of the adoption process. Discussing the fees associated with adoption services can make us very uncomfortable. Because words matter, it is critical that whenever we discuss adoption funding we do so carefully.Childrendo notcostanything because children should never be…