Lifesong Blog

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Hope on the Horizon: Remembering Dr. Karyn Purvis

1 year ago today, Dr. Karyn Purvis--internationally renowned child development expert, popular speaker, author, and passionate advocate for vulnerable children--went to be with the Lord. On August 20, 2014, several of foster care's leading thinkers met in Oklahoma City to share ideas that are making a difference. Dr. Karyn Purvis--with…

A Plea for Prayer in Ukraine

The older children become, the harder it can be to maintain their interest in Christian camps and discipleship programs. This is not abnormal, but it is a challenge the team in Ukraine faces daily as they seek to take the Gospel to kids in need. Bogdan, one of the faithful…

How to Avoid Compassion Fatigue

Poverty. Refugee crisis. Foster care. Homelessness. Natural disasters. Orphan care. Sex trafficking ... The scope of today's personal and political crises is unprecedented. Everywhere we look, someone is hurting. Every time we turn on the T.V. we are bombarded with stories and images of people around the world who…

Come With Us on a Vision Team Trip!

Katie approached her husband, Ken, with the words: "We need to do something more." Katie had just finished reading a book about a missionary to Uganda who tirelessly gave herself to reach children and widows with the love of Christ. What impressed Katie most about the story was that whenever the…

An Open Letter to Adult Adoptees

You were adopted? So was I. I'm the girl on the right with the puff sleeves and the too-short bangs (circa 1980s). When I was in the third grade one of the teachers at my school casually suggested I might be Canadian. (Her proof? I had blonde hair…