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See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukraine here. Will I wear Jesus' crown, or will I carry His yoke?BogdanLifesong Ukraine Team Leader In the last few months of war, Bogdan has been moved by Jesus' words in Matthew 11... "Come to me, all…
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukrainehere. World Refugee Day is this coming Monday. While this day has been internationally recognized for the last 21 years, this February, it took on new meaning within the Lifesong family. With over 20 years of…
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukrainehere. THE WAR IN UKRAINE CONTINUES. Perhaps, like us, you're following news outlets to stay updated on the war in Ukraine. One week, Russia's military is gaining ground. The next, Ukrainian troops are reclaiming occupied territories.…
Looking for your next read? We've got you covered. Pick up Becoming Whole: Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn't the American Dream by Brian Fikkert and Kelly Kapic. Here at Lifesong, we believe every Christian is called to do something for orphans and vulnerable children. Some people will adopt, some will…
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukrainehere. Jesus is alive! Ukraine follows the Orthodox calendar, so Easter celebrations took place this weekend. Churches were extremely full as they celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. One of our team members in Chernigov reported that…
War in Ukraine rages on. Despite relief efforts, civilians are now being targeted, and infrastructure in major cities has been devastated. Over 10 million people—nearly a quarter of Ukraine’s population—have fled their homes seeking safety. Of those who have evacuated, 4.3 million have crossed the border into neighboring…
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukrainehere. Relief, evacuation, refugee care. These three needs have quickly become the top priorities of our team in Ukraine. As always, orphaned and vulnerable children remain at the center of our ministry. And praise God, all…
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukraine here. It's now been one month since Russia invaded Ukraine. A quick Google search can show you how Ukraine is responding (courageous military efforts, evacuation of women and children) and how the West is responding…
Where there is devastation, there are heroes. There are thousands of heroic men and women in Ukraine who have spent the past month boldly defending their country—a large portion being the Church. Many have lost their sense of normalcy in order to simply survive. And some have chosen…
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukraine here. Your prayers have been especially needed and visible over the last few days. Around 4:00 on Saturday morning, a Russian military aircraft dropped eight bombs onto one of our farm/camp sites. Most of the…