News from Ukraine: Wednesday, May 11

See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukraine here.
Perhaps, like us, you’re following news outlets to stay updated on the war in Ukraine. One week, Russia’s military is gaining ground. The next, Ukrainian troops are reclaiming occupied territories. Regardless of which country carries the upper hand, our all-loving, sovereign God carries the entire world in His hands. We place our trust in Him and the work He is doing through His Church—in Ukraine, in Russia, in the United States, across the globe.
As the conflict continues, our team remains steadfast and focused on serving orphaned and vulnerable children, at-risk families, widows, and the elderly.
Generous support from people like you has mobilized our team to evacuate civilians to safer locations in the west and beyond, deliver relief supplies to individuals in high-conflict zones, and care for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Alongside a robust network of church partners and volunteers, they’re bringing Gospel-centered care to Ukraine’s most vulnerable.
Keep reading to see the latest updates from our teammates on the ground.
In Ukraine…
Chernigov, one of the cities our team serves, is 80% evacuated. And yet local churches are completely full. As members from local churches faithfully serve across their communities, more and more individuals are seeing the active, tangible love of Christ and desiring to be part of it, too. Praise God for this incredible growth, and pray for true and lasting change.
Wartime has made people extremely open to the Gospel. Our team doing as much as possible while the window of opportunity is open.
The Kharkiv Day Center (pictured in the header image above) is serving between 150 and 170 people a day. A line forms on the street outside, and they are welcomed into the day center where they fill out a form explaining their needs. Our team uses this opportunity to read Scripture with them and encourage them with the Gospel.
See how our team is caring for children at the Kharkiv Day Center—
10,000 units of food have been handed out from our distribution centers across the communities we serve. As more needs come to our attention, we’re creating a database including where people are located and how many are with them so we can maintain relationships long beyond wartime.
Cities are filled with destroyed buildings and flattened neighborhoods. And yet the people of Ukraine are proving their pride and resilience. Even as missiles fly overhead, rubble is being cleared, flower beds are being planted, and businesses are open. Even Lifesong Farms is slowly continuing operations!
(You can learn about Lifesong Farms and get a good overview of Lifesong Ukraine’s full ministry by watching our 2020 virtual vision trip here!)
Many people are worried—who will win this war? Essentially, both countries will lose. Only God will win. God totally changed my worldview. Many things were of value for me before the war. But now, only three are left: God, family, and ministry.
Bogdan MazurLifesong Ukraine Team Leader
Bogdan MazurLifesong Ukraine Team Leader
In Poland…
Our integration center in Poland is up and running for the first time today! Praise God, the Warsaw government gave us a building to use.
Street view of the Lifesong Ukraine Integration Center in Poland.
The integration center is a long-term facility where displaced Ukrainians can begin making plans for the next stage of their lives. Our chief educator, Katarina, is creating curriculums for the two different populations we’re serving: those who desire to return to Ukraine, and those choosing to stay in Poland.
The program will be filled with practical, helpful resources, like:
- trauma care and consulting
- connecting with locals
- language and culture crash courses
Our Lifesong Ukraine team now has six full-time staff living in Poland and over 15 committed volunteers!
Having just left everything they know to find safety, many refugees face the concern of falling into poverty (UNHCR). And poverty is a leading cause of orphans. It’s our prayer that this program will help keep at-risk families together and ultimately prevent what could become an unprecedented orphan crisis.
Please pray for Ukraine and specifically for:
- An end to the war, and peace in Ukraine.
- Orphanage graduates our team has relationships with. Some of the young men are serving in the military. One graduate had been in touch with our staff asking for prayer every day but recently hasn’t called. Please pray for his safety and for him to make contact soon.
- Courage and protection for every individual risking their lives for justice and relief.
- Safety of drivers and passengers as they travel across Ukraine, evacuating civilians and delivering relief materials.
- Our team to boldly share the Gospel with all they serve.
Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of our fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of your gift will directly support vulnerable children and families in Ukraine.
See the complete archive of news, updates, and prayer requests from Lifesong Ukraine here.
Ukraine Prayer Updates
Get these updates and prayer requests delivered to your inbox.
Host a Prayer Meeting
Gather community members, church members, your family, your small group… for a time of updates and concentrated prayer. Share the latest video update from our team (above) and pass out this list of verses. Pray through the verses as a group.
Organize a Day of Prayer & Fasting
Spread the word to your local church and commit to 24 hours of corporate fasting and prayer.
Stay Updated on Current Prayer Requests
Continue to check in with trusted organizations in Ukraine to see the most pressing and urgent needs. Pray for these needs specifically!
Financially Support Ukraine Relief
The financial needs for food, fuel, safety, and housing through Lifesong Ukraine will be very significant. Beyond immediate needs, the financial needs for rebuilding will also be immense. You can partner financially by giving a gift here.
Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of our fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of your gift will directly support vulnerable children and families in Ukraine.