Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Caring for children in need is not a natural decision. If it were instinctive, far more people would do it. And God wouldn't need to remind us throughout the Bible to make it a priority. Caring for children in need—whether working in Southeast Asia to rescue children from trafficking,…
How can God take something tragic and bring about something beautiful? Broken childhoods, infertility & miscarriage, heartache & loss. No one would choose to experience hardship. But God proves Himself faithful through every up and down. The Kelly Family, recipients of a Lifesong matching grant, have seen this…
Here at Lifesong, we believe the Church is the solution to the orphan crisis. And local churches—specifically—are uniquely equipped to reach families in their church congregation and to walk with them through the adoption process in a long-term, relational way. But practically, what could this look like in…
Joel and Kristen received a Lifesong matching grant through our partner, Hands of Hope, to bring their daughter home from the Republic of Congo. After their adoption, they shared this beautiful testimony about the hope of adoption, in spite of the brokenness. In Kristen's words– My husband and I…
How do you want to spend your retirement? Ever think that God might call you to add another child to your family? Would you be willing to open your heart and your home to a foster child or a newly adopted child? Here at Lifesong, we were overjoyed…
Lance and Sonya received a Lifesong interest-free loan to bring their son home from China. And their story is nothing short of a miracle. In Lance's words– Our journey to adopt our youngest son began in an unexpected way. In 2011, we were content as a family of…
God is doing big things through the support and prayers of people like you! Thank you for believing, as we do, that God calls us to care for orphans and those who cannot care for themselves. . Take a look at what's happened in the first half of…
One thing is increasingly clear: We live in a world of hurt. Right now, as we prepare our kids for an exciting new school year, there are many children—some who will sit right next our kids in the classroom—who have spent this summer experiencing abuse, hunger, or isolation.…
In Christian circles, it’s common to hear the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” But Scripture tells us a different story. In 2 Corinthians, we can read about Paul’s time in Asia– “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the…
One of the first things you must decide is ... whether you want to choose to pursue open, semi-open, or closed adoption. Your choice depends on the relationship you want to have (and you ultimately want your child to have) with your child's birth family over time. So how…