3 Benefits of a Church Adoption Fund

Here at Lifesong, we believe the Church is the solution to the orphan crisis.
And local churches—specifically—are uniquely equipped to reach families in their church congregation and to walk with them through the adoption process in a long-term, relational way.
But practically, what could this look like in your church?
A church adoption fund–money set aside to help families in your church adopt–is a straightforward example.
And we believe it’s the single best way your church can impact adopting families. So here are just 3 reasons why—
1. It’s your church’s opportunity to live out James 1:27.
In James 1:27, believers are invited to one of the purest and most undefiled demonstrations of the Gospel–moving toward uncomfortable situations, hard places, and broken people. And the example James gives us of this? Serving orphans and widows.
So establishing a church adoption fund gives your church an opportunity to live out the “pure religion” described in this verse.
2. It provides encouragement and reinforcement to families considering God’s call to adopt.
Research has shown that of the 38% of practicing Christians who have considered adoption, only 5% actually do. The number one reason for this? Funding. Often, the fees seem too steep, the process seems too intimidating, and the paperwork seems too complicated.
This is where a church fund provides a boost of encouragement. For families considering adoption, knowing their church has a fund specifically dedicated to helping them adopt provides the extra confidence they need to take the next step.

3. Our team of experts has your back.
By now you may be thinking–
This all sounds great. But we don’t have the staff, time, or resources to implement this, let alone maintain it.
That’s where our team at Lifesong comes in.
We cover the “busy work” by managing and facilitating the fund. As a partner, we’ll manage and facilitate your fund using mutually-agreed-upon criteria for applications, accounting, receipts, disbursement, etc. This also includes screening, reviewing, approving, and denying on your behalf.
We know the legalities. As specialists, we use existing grant/loan procedures that are IRS- and ECFA-approved to maximize stewardship resources and keep your best interest in mind.
100% of donations go to bringing children home. 100% of funds donated to Lifesong go directly to helping orphans–not a single penny goes toward administrative costs. So when you set up a church adoption fund, it comes at no cost to the church or the families.
Still have questions? This quick video explains it well.
So what are you waiting for?
Join over 450 churches in 44 states to help bring children into loving, Christian families. And with Lifesong, you’ll have access to our whole toolkit of valuable resources–from a crowdfunding platform to matching grants to post-adoption support.