When Adoption is at the Heart of the Church
You notice something unique when standing outside RiverTree Christian Church.
Just beyond the front doors of its building in Canton, Ohio, wave the flags of 14 different countries. And each holds special meaning—each represents a country where a child was born and adopted before coming to RiverTree Church.
This church has a heart for adoption, both within and outside its walls. And this passion is manifest in a church adoption ministry, Orphans All, which has helped 25 orphans come into loving, Christian families.
Orphans All ministry coordinator, Tiffany, shared–
Sharing our belief that churches should encourage and support adoption, RiverTree Christian Church partnered with Lifesong in 2008 to establish an adoption fund. In the 10 years that followed, their fund helped bring 12 children home.
But by the end of 2017, leadership at RiverTree felt the need to reenergize their adoption ministry, Orphans All. So for that year’s Christmas Eve offering, the church congregation poured into the fund, breathing into it new life and reigniting the church’s heart for adoption.
Since the relaunch of the fund in early 2018, they have awarded 12 more grants which have affected 13 children.
Mobilizing the Church…
We believe the Church is the solution to orphans’ needs, but far too often, churches think orphans are beyond their reach. That’s why we partner with local churches, like RiverTree, to establish adoption funds and strengthen adoption ministries.
Starting an adoption fund can sound intimidating. And maintaining the fund can sound overwhelming. But our team at Lifesong does the grunt work of managing the fund and processing donations (at zero cost to the church or families), so churches can focus on meeting families’ spiritual, physical, and emotional needs.
Lifesong manages and facilitates the Orphans All fund using mutually-agreed-upon criteria for applications, accounting, disbursement, and more. Orphans All also has access to our tools like matching grants, interest-free loans, and post-adoptive care.
“We wouldn’t have the ability, efficiency, or manpower for us to do what Lifesong does for us… Lifesong makes it possible for us to do what we do.”
—Tiffany Steineck, Orphans All Coordinator

…to Mobilize Adoptive Families
Many families who come to Orphans All are hesitant. Adoption funding is daunting and the grant process can seem like another piece of paperwork.
But because RiverTree shares our belief that money should never be the reason a child doesn’t have a family, families who apply for the Orphans All grant find the process is simple. There are no extensive requirements or prerequisites needed–just love for Jesus and a testimony of His work.
One family shared, “I feel like you really want to give money out. You really want to help the families. That’s the biggest difference.”
Tiffany prays over every application she receives, and time after time she clearly hears from God, “Give it away.” Trusting that God will sustain the fund, she obeys.
“These are the Lord’s resources, and we want to spread them to people. We’re not trying to hold them tight.”
—Tiffany Steineck, Orphans All Coordinator
A Glimpse of Heaven
The halls of RiverTree are a peek into Heaven. They’re filled with children from all different backgrounds who would still be in orphanages, in foster care, or on the streets if it weren’t for adoption–made possible through willing believers and the support of the Church, both locally and globally.
All across the U.S., God has connected churches and organizations with Lifesong to bring children into loving families. RiverTree Christian Church is just one of 477 adoption fund partners in 44 states.
We’d love to come alongside you and help make this happen at your church. Can you imagine what God could do through your church family with a church adoption fund?