Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Awareness leads to action. Discovery leads to doing. Once Ronald and Tonya became aware of China's one-child policy, they felt moved to someday take action and adopt a little girl from China. Years later, when they discovered The Bamboo Project (an effort of Bethany Christian Services to find…
Funding is one of the most intimidating yet critical pieces of the adoption process. Discussing the fees associated with adoption services can make us very uncomfortable. Because words matter, it is critical that whenever we discuss adoption funding we do so carefully.Childrendo notcostanything because children should never be…
CAFO2019 Summit just ended in Louisville, KY. Over 2000 people from 100 nations gathered in 1 place for 1 reason: to glorify God by learning better how to love and reach children and families in need. And whether or not you were able to attend, we want you…
Adoption is a beautiful picture of the Gospel. We were lost and God found us. We were orphaned and He gave us a home. Adopting families often realize these parallels in the most profound ways. Courtney and Trey, a family of ours who received a matching grant, are…
Mom, we see you. We know about the fearful thoughts, the unseen tears, and the wordless prayers. We see you, and we praise God for you. Last year a group of 14 fellow adoptive moms from around the country got together to write a book because they want…
Thank you for supporting orphaned children inGuatemala and believing with us that God has a heart for the least of these. Here's some recent news from our teammate, Addisyn Block– Waiting for hope *Mariana was just hours old when she was abandoned and left alone at a hospital…
Every truth, promise, and commission from God's Word applies to each member of His Church. So it comes as no surprise that, even when they don't know each other, believers across the world support one another for God's cause. When Chad and Mandy knew they were called to…
Prayer is foundational to the work of caring for orphans and vulnerable children. But even with the deep impact prayer has on our lives and the world around us, we sometimes find ourselves at a loss for words. Our prayer lives can feel monotonous as we pray the…
Your support for orphaned and vulnerable children is changing lives. There's excitement in the air at the Marshall Home of Champions. Why? A new girls' dormitory is being built on campus. Located beyond the garden area and across from the original home and the school, this building will…
We believe the Church is the solution to orphans' needs. So when a family in a local church body adopts, it not only demands prayer and sacrifice from that family but from their church, as well. With a little encouragement from a Lifesong matching grant, Joseph and Jessica's…