Lifesong Blog

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Chosen As Daughters

It wasn't a grand sign or a vivid dream that pushed Martin and Emily to pursue adoption— just the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. While visiting India in 2015, Martin and Emily became burdened by what they saw. Along with extreme poverty, prejudice, and persecution, they…

An Adoption Month Giveaway!

It's National Adoption Month! No matter where you are in the adoption process, we want to support families like yours throughout the journey. In addition to offering financial assistance to help bridge the gap in adoption fundraising, we also offer pre- and post-adoption support. And one way we…

The “Why” of Down Syndrome Adoption

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. So this month especially, we're thankful to be partners with the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (NDSAN). Its mission is simple: to ensure every child born with Down syndrome has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family.NDSAN's director, Stephanie Thompson,…

Life Lessons from Adoption: Love Is Costly

Guest post from pastor, adoptive dad, and Lifesong matching grant recipient Brad Raby.  My wife and I had the unique experience, joy, and challenge of entering the world of international adoption. At the time of writing this, we have been home for a month with two of our three…