Lifesong Blog

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Never Easy. Always Worth It. | Family Friday

We had already received guardianship of two former foster sisters and thought we had done our part as Christians for orphan care when God brought across our path a picture of an 11-year-old Chinese girl. After looking up her file and seeing how many orphans needed a home,…

Perfect Timing | Family Friday

Our adoption was a little nuts. We had been waiting for about 6 months to be matched with a domestic birthmom, expecting the process to go pretty slowly once we were chosen. Amazingly, our adoption began and ended VERY quickly. We had some money saved, but not enough…

To Dad: From Your Adoptive Daughter

My story began in Romania with a 19-year-old unwed girl who wasn't able to take care of me. The Lord sovereignly chose adoption for me. I am blessed that a man and a woman from the United States made a decision that radically altered my life forever when…

Don’t Waste Your Infertility

Guest blog post from Courtney Reissig It's been a few months since we received the hard news. Our struggle with infertility would require more treatment before we are able to proceed with trying to get pregnant. Few things feel worse than waking up from surgery and hearing the…