Lifesong Blog

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A Word for Those Who Hurt Today

The reality of life in a broken world is that we hurt. And perhaps nowhere is this pain more poignant than in the lives of hurting children. We see brokenness both in the news and in our homes. We see it in overpacked orphanages and CPS offices. And…

From Orphan to International Adoptee

During the month of November—National Adoption Month—we’re honored to lift up various voices from the adoption triad: the child, the birth parents, and the adoptive parents. Today’s guest post comes from Amanda Carpenter, speaking into her life as a former orphan and an international adoptee and adoptive mom. In her…

And Now, We Wait

Jon and Stacey barreled through their to-do list. They completed their paperwork, finished classes, and officially took their profile "live." All that was left to do was wait. (Which, as anyone who has gone through the adoption process knows, waiting no small task.) Still raising the extra funds…