Lifesong Blog

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2022 Year In Review

Though 2022 was filled with challenges and uncertainty... God used YOU to help vulnerable children and families feel seen, known, and loved. Here are some examples of His faithfulness this year— In February, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine. Today, vulnerable children and families in Ukraine continue to…

When Adoption Is Hard

Adoption is good, But it can also be very hard. I know this first-hand from my own experience as an adoptee and adoptive parent. And I know this because of countless, tender examples shared with me by people on the adoption journey. One of the great privileges of…

How to Reach Orphans This Summer

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer– signaling the beginning of sun-filled days, neighborhood cookouts, and (inevitably) your family's busy to-do list. If we aren't intentional, this season can come and go like a flash and leave us in its wake wondering, "Did I really do anything…

A Word for Those Who Hurt Today

The reality of life in a broken world is that we hurt. And perhaps nowhere is this pain more poignant than in the lives of hurting children. We see brokenness both in the news and in our homes. We see it in overpacked orphanages and CPS offices. And…