Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Choosing a hard yes over an easy no. From fundraising to waiting to adjusting, adopting isn't easy. But with God's leading, every adoptive and foster family makes the decision to say YES to their child (and the JOY that comes with them), even when it seems impossible. Hear…
I have been a licensed social worker practicing in international adoptions for over 6 years now, and Imust confess that I absolutely LOVE paperwork! However, I recognize that I am probably in the minority. I tell families that the beginning of the adoption process might feel like you…
There are around 7.5 billion people in the world. And if you live in the United States, you share a country with just over 4% of them. With modern advantages, we're not limited to only knowing our families, neighbors, or even people in our own countries. We have…
God often calls adoptive families to extreme lengths. And sometimes, because choosing the hard road is so contrary to our human nature, it's easy to fall prey to doubts and concerns. But God, who became fully human for us, knows every one of those doubts and concerns. And…
In your church, families who are fostering and adopting need your help. Here at Lifesong, we take seriously our responsibility—and privilege—to encourage churches and church leadership like yours to get involved, and to equip church members to reach children and families in need. Jason Johnson, Director of Church…
Love at first sight. It's the stuff of fairy tales and romantic comedies... right? Believe in it or not, nearly all parents talk about this feeling. When their son or daughter is born, many birth parents mention the instant love they had for their child. And the same…
Those involved in orphan care and adoption often quote James 1:27– "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." And for good reason! It's an…
On May 14, nine of Central Illinois’ top chefs gathered at The Cannery in Eureka, IL for Chef’s Table–an exclusive tasting event hosted by and benefitting Lifesong for Orphans. The event raised over $195,000 to help orphans become sons and daughters. 305 special guests, 23 generous sponsors, 9…
CAFO2019 Summit just ended in Louisville, KY. Over 2000 people from 100 nations gathered in 1 place for 1 reason: to glorify God by learning better how to love and reach children and families in need. And whether or not you were able to attend, we want you…
Adoption is a beautiful picture of the Gospel. We were lost and God found us. We were orphaned and He gave us a home. Adopting families often realize these parallels in the most profound ways. Courtney and Trey, a family of ours who received a matching grant, are…