Lifesong Blog

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Win a Trip to CAFO2023 Summit!

Join us for an unforgettable gathering of a growing movement. On September 20–22, thousands of orphan care, foster care, and adoption advocates from around the world will meet in Oklahoma City for the CAFO2023 Christian Alliance for Orphan Summit. The theme: Unhurried: Living with the Long View. An…

What If There Was More Than Enough?

The words "not enough" are heard every day inside our nation's foster care system. Not enough resources.Not enough families.Not enough support. Unfortunately, this system overflowing with "not enough" does not lack children—each one with unique needs. A brief snapshot of foster care in the U.S. makes this plain:…

Is America the Answer to the Orphan Crisis?

Every day, an estimated 5,700 children become orphaned around the world. According to UNICEF, this happens because of war, natural disaster, poverty, disease, stigma, and medical need. Here in the United States—while we don't have traditional orphanages—the number of children in foster care continues to increase. In 2012,…