Lifesong Blog

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Raising Funds and Finding Gold | Family Friday

The prospect of raising adoption funds is rarely an enjoyable one. For a variety of reasons, many families struggle to ask friends and family for help when paying the astronomical expenses associated with adoption. The fear of making people uncomfortable weighs heavy. Jeff and Liza (pictured above) understand. They recently brought their…

Adoption: A Game of Perseverance

In 2001, two 21-year-old missionaries took turns holding a precious little girl who had been orphaned as a result of an epidemic in Kenya. Although we could not physically take this little lady home with us, what we took home spiritually was more significant. Simultaneously birthed within both…

Why Spend the Money to Adopt? | Family Friday

Ken, a new adoptive dad, sent us a letter that we posted on our Lifesong bulletin board. We'd like to share it with you. Why do families go to such great expense to adopt children? Some would say it's to avoid an "unfulfilling life." I know parents for whom adoption has…

Never Easy. Always Worth It. | Family Friday

We had already received guardianship of two former foster sisters and thought we had done our part as Christians for orphan care when God brought across our path a picture of an 11-year-old Chinese girl. After looking up her file and seeing how many orphans needed a home,…

Perfect Timing | Family Friday

Our adoption was a little nuts. We had been waiting for about 6 months to be matched with a domestic birthmom, expecting the process to go pretty slowly once we were chosen. Amazingly, our adoption began and ended VERY quickly. We had some money saved, but not enough…

It’s Time to Celebrate!

Outside the Walls has met a new milestone! As many as 153 million orphans world-wide are trapped in a cycle of hopelessness. Adoptive families all over the world wish to bring fatherless children into their family, however, finances often pose great obstacles or even cause good families to walk…