Why One Couple Chose to Adopt a Child with Special Needs


Dear Lifesong,

“Conlan, come hooooome!” our 4-year-old son, Lachlan, cried out for months. And now, he is. Conlan made us into a family of four in April 2016 and we are so thankful for the Lord’s provision in our journey to and through adoption.

Lachlan was actually one of the catalysts in our pursuit of special needs adoption. Born with a rare brain malformation and muscular dystrophy, his intrinsic value, no matter how long his list of diagnoses grows, is God-breathed, and we are joyful and thankful for his life.

We wanted to be family for another child whose needs might be considered daunting, knowing that it’s not by our own strength that we forge through uncharted seas.

And while we know the real journey has only begun, we are so grateful that Conlan is finally home. He’s a nurturing, silly, observant 3-year-old who fits so well with our family. There have been times he does something funny, quirky or familiar, my husband and I both say, “He got that from you!” There’s no doubt that God’s hand has been at work in the creation of our family story.


We cannot thank Lifesong for Orphans and Chosen & Dearly Loved enough for the support, prayers and role in spurring others to learn more about our path to Conlan. Because of the Chosen & Dearly Loved Foundation, our friends, family and even strangers gave generously knowing their gifts would be matched, maximizing the impact.
We are humbled, honored and comforted that Conlan will always know that he was “chosen and dearly loved” from the moment we saw him. Thank you for helping bring our Conlan home.

Nathan, Jessica, Lachlan & Conlan

Nathan and Jessica, thank you for this precious letter and for your love of Lachlan and Conlan–good and perfect gifts from above. We rejoice to know God has expanded your family in this way for His glory! We will watch with avid interest to see how He continues to lead. Truly, both of these boys are chosen and dearly loved!  

Help give a child a home.