3 Reasons to Seek Adoption Funding | Family Friday


Brad and I knew that God’s journey for us was Chinese adoption, but like so many adopting families, we weren’t exactly sure how we were going to pay for the adoption process.

We are an ordinary family, we are not wealthy and do not come from money. Specifically, I (Leslie) am typically the worrier of the two, but for some reason I was not worried about affording this very expensive adoption.

I just knew that if this was God’s plan for our family, he would provide.

I searched many avenues to raise money for our adoption when I came across Lifesong. I completed the application, we met with a pastor from church to write a recommendation on our behalf, and we just prayed. We were ecstatic when we received the email confirming a matching grant for us!
We nervously sent out letters to all of our family members, friends, and coworkers. Asking for money isn’t easy; it’s very humbling to say the least. But the response from our people was AMAZING! They knew how important this money was for bringing home our daughter, and they knew our heart for adoption. It showed in the outpouring of donations. With the help of Lifesong we raised over $8000 for our adoption!
This adoption funding was crucial for our journey in three main ways. The funding–

  1. proved God had us and we needed to keep trusting Him through this
  2. demonstrated that our family and friends truly supported our decision to adopt.
  3. showed us we were one step closer to meeting our precious daughter!

The Matching Grant

I don’t think Brad and I would have asked our family, friends, and coworkers to donate money on our behalf for the adoption if it wasn’t for the matching grant. It isn’t easy to ask for money–it’s humbling and you have to set aside your pride and show others that you are in need of their assistance–that you can’t take this on yourself. The matching grant was also encouraging for us as $3000 seems easier to raise than $6000 which seems more daunting. And I think our family and friends also were more willing to give since their donations were being matched; it was an incentive of sorts.

The Final Payment

Our final payment before we could schedule travel was due and it was a substantial amount of money. We didn’t know how we were going to pay; we were stressed to say the least. After a few days of worrying, Brad received a paycheck he had forgotten about and it was for the exact amount we owed the adoption agency! And we didn’t need this money to live on for bills that month. This was purely God! The exact amount we needed and it arrived.

Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For … your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
Matthew 6:31-32

Leslie, thank you for your beautiful, transparent testimony of God’s good provision in your adoption. We praise Him for giving you the grace to take that huge step of faith and trust Him with big adoption expenses. We rejoice that your little girl is home, and we are excited to see what God continues to do in her life and in your family.

Help give a child a home.


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