Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Years ago, Jack and Lindsay became aware of the plight of the orphan and the significant need for families to welcome children home. So they determined to adopt "someday"--either after their three children were teenagers or they were able to save enough money to fund the process. Funding, after…
Choosing to adopt is a major decision that should be accompanied by plentyof prayer and conversation. Here are 5questions to ask yourself (and/or your spouse) when considering whether or not adoption is right for you. 1.Why dowe want to adopt? There are as many poor reasons as there…
The adoption of our precious daughter is part of a legacy where God connected the dots of His sovereignty over 2 young lives, down to the smallest details. We started on the path of adopting a child with a limb difference because we had a nephew who was born…
After trying and unsuccessfully being matched 3 times for a little girl in the Philippines, we felt like God was tellingus to let our adoption plans go and to wait on Him. As a mom, I knew that when the timing was right, the right child would “fall…
It is often said that adoption takes a village, and it does! But specifically--Biblically--it takes the Church. If you are looking to expand your Church family's knowledge of or involvement with adoption, here are 7 ways to do so— 1. Welcome the questions. Anyone who has or was adopted knows adoption…
Adoption Day was such a milestone for our family. What people may not realize is that as foster families and for us in particular, we had been her foster family for 819 days. That is 819 days of court visits, social worker calls, impromptu social worker visits, daily…
Brighter days and warm summer weather are ideal for these adoption fundraising ideas. Use this summer adoption fundraising list (or pass it along to willing friends and family asking how to help!)-- To sell: 1. Havea garage sale. Summer is garage sale season, and especially if you rally friends and family…
We adopted Philip and Arthur from China nearly one year ago. Both of our sons have cerebral palsy. Philip, 4 yrs., was unable to self-feed, walk, or speak when we brought him home. He is now doing all three! Only God. Arthur was in serious condition, although we…
God taught us through adoption that His heart is for the fatherless; He will move mountains to place the lonely in families. My wife Julie saw Ellis’s picture while I was in Rwanda with Compassion, and she instantly felt like he was our son. She tried to push the feelings away;…
While still living in Guatemala as missionaries, we felt a clear call to return to the U.S. to pursue adoption. After arriving home, we began our home study in June of 2015. I remember asking our worker about the timeline. She commented that no later than October, she…