Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
God is doing great things in Zambia! Three years ago, we celebrated our first graduation at Lifesong School in Zambia, and now we have celebrated our third! The needs of the country—and specifically the children—are big. Most children lack adequate access to nutrition, water, housing, and education. According to…
Here at Lifesong, we're honored to be part of over 8,000 adoption journeys and counting. While every story is unique, there are some themes that unite them all, like God's provision, faithfulness, and perfect timing. And each is clearly seen in Andrew and Anna's journey to their daughter,…
When we take a leap of faith, fear is never far off. Even Lifesong's creation story has notes of fear. Our founder, Gary Ringger, had no idea what was in store when God called him to use his business for His glory, not Gary's. But when called beyond…
Thank you for loving and supporting our kids through child sponsorships, giving, and praying. Enjoy this update from our teammate, Jason Glass. A Few Highlights Our team has grown! Words cannot express how excited we are to welcome Lisa Deprey to our full-time mission team. Lisa has…
When God calls us beyond our limits, how do we respond? Steven and Chelsea set a good example when they were called to three international adoptions (rather than the one domestic adoption they had planned). Their plan: Reflect on the promises He's kept. Look back at His faithfulness. Remind…
2020 is less than a day away! Even with the new decade rapidly approaching, there's still time this year to make a big difference in the coming year. From now until midnight on Tuesday, December 31, your gift to Lifesong is matched up to $1,000,000. What would…
We have much to be thankful for! Today, because of people like you, 11,522 orphans and vulnerable children around the world are loved as sons and daughters. And over 8,000 families are celebrating Christmas as a family, many for the first time. Here's a special message from…
While we have much to be thankful for this time of year, not all is peace and joy around the world. Here's an important update from our team in Bolivia. Would you join us in praying for them today?— After elections in Bolivia on October 20th, civilians…
Thank you for giving and praying for orphaned and vulnerable kids around the world. Here's an exciting update from Lifesong Ukraine— Lifesong Ukraine National Adoption Club By God's mercy, the adoption movement is growing and our LS National Adoption Club keeps expanding. Many new families are joining…
She doesn't have many childhood memories. But Kristina does remember life with her parents— "They were very busy with drinking and constant parties with their alcoholic friends. When things got really bad, we had to move and start looking for a 'better life' in the city." This was…