Lifesong Blog

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Is Haiti Worth Saving?

Lifesong staff member Anne Bradley shares— So much about Haiti has changed, so is Haiti worth saving? The Haiti I remember offered a simple lifestyle, friendly neighborhoods, and clean streets. I was born and raised in a small village, without electricity, where we got water from a well…

Now Bianca Can Dream

Bianca, in blue, with friends As a young child, Bianca witnessed domestic violence and alcohol abuse. The small community where she lived in Haiti had no basic infrastructure: no clean water, no electricity, no university. And the small schools were not well-equipped. Finally, to escape repeated abuse, Bianca's…

Keep Praying for Haiti

Haiti is no stranger to hard times. You'll remember last year's news included the assassination of their President, ongoing kidnappings, fuel shortages, and increased water prices. And this year continues to be difficult. Last Tuesday, weeklong protests in Port-au-Prince came to a dangerous crescendo as people rallied against…

Redjina Asked God for One Thing.

Prior to learning about Lifesong, Redjina was taking an exam at her school, when a school official came and took her paper, telling her to leave and not come back until she paid her school fees. In Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, it's not uncommon…