Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
6-year old Getabalew could be a statistic. [row][col span="1/3"][/col][col span="2/3"]A few years ago, he lost his father who died during a fishing accident while providing food for their family. Today, Getabalew lives in a tiny, 10'x15' one-room home where a red curtain divides the bed and sitting area.…
Questions and doubts can fill the adoption journey--the Brucato family can testify to this. But by trusting in the Lord’s leading, they have brought two sons home from Ethiopia. They shared their story with us— It would not be an exaggeration to say that at many times…
We are excited to share what God is doing in Ethiopia with your prayer and support. On Friday, our team in Ethiopia successfully distributed food supply for 500 refugee households! Specifically, they delivered rice and cooking oil--rice being a major food group and a staple among the families.…
Last month marked the end of another school year at our three schools in Ethiopia. Once again our staff saw many students receive the highest marks on the national exams. Not only that, but 46 of our girls achieved the highest rank of 1st, 2nd or 3rd out…
My children have two mothers. Both of us are real mothers. Both have flesh and blood and love and pain. Both have pieces of our hearts that have been broken by goodbyes. Both of us have spent too many days apart from our children. In our home we…
Lifesong School in Ethiopia recently ended for the summer, and that means one thing: Celebration! First, the annual preschool/kindergarten graduation ceremony brimmed with hope as a new class accepted their diplomas. These students represent the future of Ethiopia as well as Lifesong School. We rejoice to see what each…
What skill or ability can YOU use to make a difference in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children? Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a business owner, or a pastor (or anything in between!) you have been uniquely gifted by God to serve the fatherless and vulnerable in some…
Lifesong schools exist to prepare students--mentally and spiritually--to launch into the world. So it would seem appropriate at the end of a school year to reflect on the goodness of God. At the end of the school year, each of the three Lifesong school campuses in Ethiopia has its own…
Enjoy this update from Ethiopia directors, Gary and Peggy Ifft, with Misgana Ministries-- Greetings from very hot Ziway. This time of the year is usually warmer, but nothing like what it is this year. The officials are blaming it on El Niño. The high temperatures each day range from…
Post created by guest contributor, Peter Ashmore. Looking at the title of “A Dad’s Perspective”... I want to address some issues that I believe are at the core of the orphan crisis. These are issues I struggled with—lies I at one time believed and sometimes still battle. So,…