Lifesong Blog

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Chosen As Daughters

It wasn't a grand sign or a vivid dream that pushed Martin and Emily to pursue adoption— just the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. While visiting India in 2015, Martin and Emily became burdened by what they saw. Along with extreme poverty, prejudice, and persecution, they…

An Adoption Month Giveaway!

It's National Adoption Month! No matter where you are in the adoption process, we want to support families like yours throughout the journey. In addition to offering financial assistance to help bridge the gap in adoption fundraising, we also offer pre- and post-adoption support. And one way we…

Meet the Winslows: An Adoption Story

Two months ago, the Winslow family brought home two children. Like so many adoption stories, theirs was not easy or quick, but it was filled with affirmations that God was with them—and with their children—every step of the way. The Winslows received a Lifesong matching grant, made possible…