Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Last month a group from the U.S. traveled to India to visit with the children of Santhi Nivas and Bethel Nivas, part of Lifesong India. Enjoy this report from Lifesong Program Director, Rich Metcalf-- Who takes almost 90 hours to travel over 20,000 miles to spend 3 sleep…
Enjoy this update from our Tanzania team-- Doricas is 14 years old and was recently rescued after spending a number of years living with other children on the streets of Mwanza. Doricas has little memory of her mother who, from what she was told, left Doricas and her…
Let's breathe some life into these long, winter months, shall we? We have 3 opportunities for you to take advantage of or pass along to other friends or family. 1. mySTORY: We are excited to share the news that mySTORY, our new crowdfunding platform for adopting families and adoption…
Famatta's Story At the height of the Ebola outbreak, 14-year-old Famatta watched her father, a pastor, take one of the church people to the hospital. When he returned, he told his family how the woman had died in his car while waiting for medical attention. Over the following…
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive: "What adoption agencies do you recommend?" We know the process of choosing a program can be daunting. Here are four steps we encourage you to take to get started. 1. Pray about it. "If any of you lacks wisdom,…
My husband and I were returning from overseas with our newly adopted son. We had spent 20+ hours on a flight with a screaming toddler, and I was pretty certain I had animal crackers and seaweed snacks lodged in my hair. We stumbled off the plane like a…
AS WE REFLECT ON GOD’S GOODNESS IN 2015 … We are grateful beyond measure for your continued love and support for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. We are also quick to remember that the most important stories are not easily communicated on charts or as statistics—children trusting…
We know you value adoption. Alex and Tatiana are from Ukraine, and they, too, value adoption. They have made it their mission to help children who need families. They have 2 biological children and 5 adopted children. Watch how God transformed their family... "God has given us such…
Merry Christmas from your Lifesong family! Thank you for praying. Thank you for giving. You are part of God's great redemptive plan in the lives of each child and family served by Lifesong. May you join us in rejoicing in the greatness and goodness of the one whose…
"I get to see workers becoming brothers and sisters!" - Amech, Farm Manager Amech's Story Amech started working at Lifesong Farms-Zambia last year. Before coming to the farm, he and his wife served with another mission in Zambia. They felt a strong connection to Lifesong's vision-- ... especially…