Lifesong Blog

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Your Church Can Help Foster and Adoptive Families. Here’s How.

In your church, families who are fostering and adopting need your help. Here at Lifesong, we take seriously our responsibility—and privilege—to encourage churches and church leadership like yours to get involved, and to equip church members to reach children and families in need. Jason Johnson, Director of Church…

What Happened to Nollay?

If you've ever wondered what sponsorship can really do for a child in need, this is your answer. Here's an update from one of our Ethiopia teammates, Shonda Dietz. . Ethiopia—so much poverty, so much devastation, so many hard things. How much of a difference can one school…

My Turn | Kolia’s Story

Your decision to care for one child in need has the incredible potential to multiply and impact manylives for eternity.How? By reaching one child in need who grows up to reach other children in need. People like you cared for a boy named Kolia, and here's the incredible…