Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
Realeen* is unable to speak due to a traumatic event that changed her life. When she was 4 years old, she and her sister witnessed the murder of their mother by their father. While trauma may have stolen her ability to speak, God is helping Realeen develop ways…
Below, one of our teammates in Bolivia shares an example of what holistic care for orphaned and vulnerable young adults in Bolivia can look like— Laura* was waiting to schedule an x-ray for a toothache. Just a few weeks prior, she went to the dentist for root canals…
Today, on #WorldDownSyndromeDay we celebrate individuals with Down syndrome and the extraordinary joy they bring into our world. The story below was first published in 2021. Dan and Allison thought their family was complete. They had three great biological kids. Everyone was healthy and happy. What more could…
Below, our team in Guatemala shares an example of what growing in faith can look like for orphaned and vulnerable mothers and children who have suffered injustice in Guatemala— Lidia* sat quietly in the back of the church. Her heart was beating heavily inside her chest. She felt…
Marvens endured five changes to his living situation before finding a home with Lifesong. It all started when he was just a child living with his mother. He never met his father or his siblings and was frequently home alone. One day, his mother brought him to a…
Below, our team in Haiti shares what discipleship can look like when followers of Jesus come face-to-face with a vulnerable young mother and her baby. Over the years, Welcome Home Haiti employees have participated in hundreds of morning devotions and weekly Bible studies. They have been poured into,…
Veronica's chances of graduating from school were slim. Only 27% of girls complete upper secondary school in Zambia; among the most economically poor children in Zambia, this number falls to only 3%. This was Veronica's story. During the day, Veronica's mother did piecework—odd jobs in the community—to help…
Slavery does still exist. Disguised under the term human trafficking, it's one of the fastest-growing crimes. And it often hides in plain sight. Since today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, we hope these 7 statistics will shed light on the global crisis, and that with them, you'll…
Below, our team in Bolivia shares an example of what discipleship can look like to orphaned and vulnerable young adults in Bolivia— At our home, the doorbell rang. Rebeca* and Helena* had stopped by to say hello. We invited them in, offered them a meal and something to… Merry Christmas from Lifesong! The circumstances of our daily lives are not always as bright and cheery as our Christmas decorations. We live in a broken world, one where vulnerable children are often overlooked, cast aside, and hurt. However, this Christmas season, let's aim to remember that…