Don’t Miss What’s Happening in Tanzania!

Your prayer and generosity continue to transform the lives of children we serve around the world. Including Tanzania. Here’s what God is doing right now through you.

Our team writes—


Lots has happened in Tanzania since we last updated you.

For example:

The security wall around the primary building is complete.
The goat farm in Geita has been started.
We built a greenhouse.
Demolition has been completed to allow for the new boys dorm construction to start.
The foundation of that new dorm is underway.

God is using people like you to expand the ministry in Tanzania!


We hosted a Christian Conference for Young Adults.

A couple weeks ago, we enjoyed a wonderful day conference, focused on building strong foundations of faith for future generations. As a result, we enjoyed the time of fellowship and deep encouragement with fellow believers.

The theme for the day came from Isiah 58:12b—

And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in.

250 people from the community attended! Now we’re specifically praying this is the start of a something good here in Tanzania. Can you imagine a strong network of believers committed to building strong foundations of faith here?

Would you pray with us?



We fixed the greenhouse!

Unfortunately, our greenhouse recently sustained damaged. Thankfully, God provided an expert who came out to help our boys work on the repairs. The boys enjoyed learning new skills alongside the professional.

Since then, they have completed a new concrete slab for the entry. They spread manure, hoed rows, and installed irrigation lines. They also prepared the tomato trellis lines and planted seeds in the starter pots.

Lord-willing, this greenhouse will provide much food for the ministry.

Again, would you pray with us?



We’re building the boys’ dorm!

Last year we told you about the need for a new boys dorm. Today, the dorm is under construction!

It’s incredible to see how hard the men are working every day. The footings (dug by hand) are finished, the large stones are being set, and rebar has been set for the ground level slab to be poured.

Good things are in store for this new dorm!



And above all, lives are being restored!

Before, many of our kids suffered extreme trauma before coming to us.

Today, God is working in their lives. As a result, the children are now safe and able to begin trusting loving adults in their lives. We see and hear evidence of this happening every day.

And because of the work of caring staff who are studying trauma and establishing meaningful relationships and trust, as well as the healing that comes from trusting our Heavenly Father Who loves us so well, kids here are finding hope!

Our kids here in Tanzania truly have a hope and a future!


Reach more kids in Tanzania with the love of Christ.

Your gift ensures orphaned and vulnerable kids and young adults in Tanzania will be reached with the Gospel.