Can You Help Boys in Tanzania Build a Dorm?
Thank you for caring about boys in Tanzania. As you know, the country has faced famine and poverty for many years. And as a result, an estimated 12 million citizens remain trapped in hopeless situations. And because of an extreme lack of resources, many of the country’s orphans and street children have no one to care for them.
Lifesong is blessed to partner with the Tanzania Children’s Rescue Center, serving children in Mwanza, Tanzania.
Here’s an update from the TCRC team—
Jacob, Abed, and Joel spent much of their lives living on the streets.
Specifically, they spent much of their time begging on behalf of their grandmother with disabilities. Without access to food or education, their future looked bleak at best.
Since 1997, our team in Tanzania has worked tirelessly—along with faithful advocates like you—to rescue and restore boys like Jacob Abed, and Joel. But because adoption is not permitted in Tanzania, most of these boys have no hope of finding a family.
So we provide a safe housing environment in a dorm-style setting with Christian house parents who are committed to rebuilding trust with these children.
This safe housing has proven to be life-changing for our students.
Today, because of your support, Jacob, Abed, and Joel are together again, living in our dorm. They’re getting counseling, attending school, receiving meals, and hearing the Gospel. We’ve seen the difference this has made in their lives, and we want to provide this opportunity to even more boys just like them.
But there’s one problem.
The current boys’ dorm was built nearly 20 years ago using materials available to us at the time, and it has served us well. But the bricks—created from local soil and clay—are crumbling. It’s time to rebuild the dorm with better, longer-lasting materials.

Also, by the grace of God, we need to create a larger space, since the number of boys coming to us for help has increased by nearly 500%.
Today we are serving nearly 300 students. Our current need to rebuild this dormitory is roughly $400,000.

Help boys like Jacob, Abed, and Joel have a place to call home.
Your gift to this project is more than simply building a dorm. Your gift ensures that our boys have a safe and nurturing environment.
By supporting the construction of this dorm, you can ensure that Jacob, Abed, and Joel—and hundreds of boys like them—continue to be fed, clothed, education, and taught the love of Christ.
Now through December 31, 2021, generous givers have committed to match any funds received up to $200,000, doubling your impact!
Tanzania Children’s Rescue Center is an approved ministry of Lifesong for Orphans. Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, fundraising and administrative costs are already covered. 100% of your received donation will directly support Tanzania Children’s Rescue Center.