Merry Christmas from Cambodia and Thailand!
Our team in Cambodia/Thailand is currently in the midst of their Christmas season, and we love seeing how they intentionally use the month of December to share the Gospel in their community.
Enjoy this new update from our team—
We love Christmas!
For weeks leading up to our Christmas celebration, the kids prepare. They decorate the church, wrap presents, and cook delicious food. All of the staff and regular volunteers then come to celebrate with the children.
We then spend the next few weeks (and will continue through the end of the year) preparing for a variety of outreach and Christmas events.
COVID is still a concern, so Christmas won’t be “back to normal” just yet. But there will still be opportunities to reach our community with the Gospel during this Christmas season.
These opportunities include—
Cultivating mission opportunities
In Cambodia, we’re excited to partner with our Phnom Penh team to cultivate Gospel outreach in the Veal Veang District of Pursat Province (on the Thai-Cambodian border, a few hours northwest of Phnom Penh).
Here are a few photos from our recent Pursat outreach event—
Last month, some of our older students joined church leaders in holding a youth camp for kids in the area. While literally camping, our team led lots of fun games and shared the love of Christ while distributing lots of food and supplies to those in need.
Eventually, our goal is to build housing in this area for children who need a safe place to stay and continue to develop relationships within the community.
Supporting children and families
In Takeo, we’re thankful for the opportunity to be able to provide extra support for children and families from local villages within our community who have been hit especially hard during COVID-related difficulties and restrictions.
Our own kids continue to grow daily in discipleship. Recently, a group of our newer students chose baptism.
November marks the end of rainy season in Cambodia, and then it’s time for the rice harvest.
So recently, schools closed for the last two weeks of November so students could help with the harvest. After gathering all the rice, the students shared a celebratory feast. It’s a special time to praise God for His provision and to enjoy all that He has provided.
We’re thankful for an abundant rice harvest this year that will enable us to continue meeting the needs of children and families.

Raising up student leaders
In Thailand, our team and kids in Bangpli enjoyed a wonderful time of celebration during a pre-Christmas party that officially marked the beginning of our Christmas season! A couple of our students—Michelle and Sophia—have taken leadership roles in recent new weekly outreach opportunities after a local fruit vendor in the community requested for a Bible study to be held at their shop.
Michelle and Sophia often lead worship songs, including a song Michelle wrote herself.
We’re thankful for this special time of year that enables us to be creative and intentional with our outreach to the community. By God’s grace, we pray many will hear the good news of the Gospel yet this year.
Thank you for giving and praying. You are an important part of this ministry.
And on behalf of the students and staff in Cambodia and Thailand, Merry Christmas!
This Christmas, you can reach orphaned & vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
It only takes one caring person to help one child in need. By partnering with Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care.
When you give to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed Fund by December 31, 2021, your gift is MATCHED up to $1,500,000—making twice the impact on children in need. 100% of your gift directly helps children in need.
Your gift helps fund Christian adoptions, support Gospel-centered ministries globally, and fuel sustainable business development.
Your generous gift this Christmas shows orphaned and vulnerable children they are seen. Together, let’s continue reaching children in need with the Gospel!
Yes! I want to send Gospel-centered care where it’s needed most!