Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
A common question for families diving into adoption is: How long until I can bring my child home? Unfortunately, like many pieces in the adoption process, there's no clear answer to this question. Whether you adopt out of foster care, adopt a newborn domestically, or pursue adoption internationally,…
Waiting is hard work. Whether you're waiting to complete an adoption, to learn about a foster care placement, or for general direction from God, remember these words from Paul David Tripp in his book, A Shelter in the Time of Storm: “Remember,waiting isn't just about what you are hoping…
Garage sale? Spaghetti dinner? Live auction? If you're in the throws of adoption fundraising (or gearing up to get started), you've probably tossed around a few of these ideas—or the blog-loads of others like them. Don't get us wrong, traditional fundraisers are highly effective! But if you're looking…
In Corrie ten Boom's famous memoir The Hiding Place, we see a beautiful dialogue between a young Corrie and her father. Anxious about her future, she asks him for advice— Father sat down on the edge of the narrow bed. "Corrie," he began gently, "when you and I…
We recently asked for advice from our social media audience. Specifically— "What's one piece of advice you would give to first-time adoptive parents?" Individuals from all sides of the adoption triad—adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth parents—were encouraged to share tips.And we were blown away by the responses! You…
Maybe you've heard a phrase like this recently: I was just at the right place at the right time. It was such a coincidence! I guess the universe wanted it to be this way. Being grounded in God's Truth, we know there's no such thing as just where…
You are making an impact on children and families around the world. God truly delights to bring beauty from ashes. We know from our own story—in which God ultimately used a failing food business to start the ministry of Lifesong—and we believe we're seeing His ability to make…
After our home study was approved, we were unsure how we were going to come up with the next phase of costs. But when we received word that we were offered a matching grant through Lifesong and that they'd also help us in our fundraising efforts, our attitude…
Adoption is a gift. However,like anything important,a lot of misinformation surrounds it. And no matter how genuinely motivated, lies about adoption are harmful to children in need of families. How many couples are hesitant or unwilling to adopt simply because of "something they've heard"? Here are 5 common…
A single adoption journey impacts so many lives. Our minds often go to a child who was adopted or parents who brought a child home. But the following letter that was sent to our office recently proves that one life touches many... including a sister. Brigitta's parents' willingness…