Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
In your church, families who are fostering and adopting need your help. Here at Lifesong, we take seriously our responsibility—and privilege—to encourage churches and church leadership like yours to get involved, and to equip church members to reach children and families in need. Jason Johnson, Director of Church…
Heartache is nearly a pre-requisite on the foster care/adoption journey. You probably know already that no foster care or adoption story is without loss or grief ... and notonlyfor the child. Maybe you've experienced— InfertilityLoss of a dreamDifficult goodbyesMissed milestonesInability to bond Or maybe you have no idea…
Love at first sight. It's the stuff of fairy tales and romantic comedies... right? Believe in it or not, nearly all parents talk about this feeling. When their son or daughter is born, many birth parents mention the instant love they had for their child. And the same…
There are orphans in every country and every people group around the world. The fatherless are in our communities, and the fatherless are often among the unreached. Who are the unreached? According to the Joshua Project, an unreached people group is one in which there is no…
Those involved in orphan care and adoption often quote James 1:27– "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." And for good reason! It's an…
June 8, 2019. A week from Saturday, orphan advocates and exercise enthusiasts will gather at the Connie Link Amphitheater in Normal, IL, for the annual Safe House Walk/Run to help care for the girls living at the Safe House in Uganda. Due to the civil and social unrest…
On May 14, nine of Central Illinois’ top chefs gathered at The Cannery in Eureka, IL for Chef’s Table–an exclusive tasting event hosted by and benefitting Lifesong for Orphans. The event raised over $195,000 to help orphans become sons and daughters. 305 special guests, 23 generous sponsors, 9…
Like you, we love hearing how God provides for waiting children and adoptive families. Where He leads, He provides. We received the following note from a family who received a matching grant and brought their precious little girl home from Nigeria. In Rachel's words— Adoption is much more…
One of the most vulnerable times in a person's life—whether here in the U.S. or around the world—happens right after graduation. Specifically, graduating from foster care or an orphanage into adult living can be scary and unpredictable. People like you make it possible for kids like Sam to…
If you've ever wondered what sponsorship can really do for a child in need, this is your answer. Here's an update from one of our Ethiopia teammates, Shonda Dietz. . Ethiopia—so much poverty, so much devastation, so many hard things. How much of a difference can one school…