A Day on Mission in Haiti
You’re invited.
Throughout each year, our team at Lifesong–MBO in Bercy, Haiti, hosts short-term mission teams for a week of Gospel-centered service, learning, and relationship-building. We’d love for you to consider visiting to see and participate in God’s work of reaching orphans and vulnerable children in Haiti.
Here’s an overview of our ministry in Haiti.
That’s the big picture. But practically, what does the day-to-day look like?
A Typical Day on Mission in Haiti:
7:00 AM — Breakfast
Our professionally-trained kitchen staff takes great care in cooking you safe and healthy meals. You’ll also receive as much clean water as your team needs.
7:30 AM — Morning Worship and Devotions
The Lifesong MBO guest house was built with teams in mind. The rooftop fellowship area is the perfect spot for worship, devotions, games, and chats.
The breezy rooftop features scenic views of the mountain and ocean.
8:00 AM — Leave for Work Project
Even before the work has started, your trip is already making a difference. Our guest house is a sustainable business on campus, providing jobs to members of the community where opportunities for employment are slim. Because of your stay, women like Lulune are able to support their families. This is her story.

9:00 AM — Work Projects
This year is unique. With the difficulties they experienced in 2019, the Haitian people are more open than ever to the Good News of Jesus and the peace He offers. You’re invited to bring Gospel-centered hope to this hurting community.
Work projects are very flexible depending on your team’s interests and skills. Your project could include:
- Health clinic
- Women’s retreat
- Soccer camps
- Sewing
- One-on-one high school discipleship
- Evangelism
- Prayer walk
- Home ministry
- Clothing depot
- Young mothers community outreach
- Work/maintenance projects
- Pastors’ conference
12:00 PM — Lunch
Lunch is usually eaten on-site, depending on your location and project.
12:30 PM — Work Projects Continued
Mission trips done right may include “mundane moments of service”—that is, unglamorous opportunities to work on plumbing problems, dig wells, prepare meals, and empty trash.
But at the same time, even mundane moments of service can be thrilling when done for God. Nothing is more exciting than doing what God has called us to do, thus drawing us closer to our Father. Find more insight on short-term mission trips.
Looking out over beautiful Bercy, Haiti.
6:00 PM — Dinner
Enjoy another delicious meal made by our guest house staff. Dinner is usually a traditional Haitian or American meal.
7:00 PM — Bible Study
Above all things, we want Jesus lifted high on this trip. Your team will have designated time each evening to dig into the Bible, meditate on the Gospel, and reflect on what you have learned that day.
We believe we are all called to care for orphans and those who cannot care for themselves. Join us in Haiti to discover what that means for you. Request more information below.