Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
. Gary Ringger is an orphan advocate and the President of Lifesong for Orphans. He writes – I'd like to invite you to be part of something special. Today, over 7,000 children are living in loving, Christian families who received critical adoption funding. Plus, generous people like…
Asking for money for any reason is hard. Asking for money to fund an adoption is no easier. But is it wrong? Here are 3 questions to consider-- .1. Why are you asking for financial support? Adoption is expensive, but expense--alone--isn't always enough of a reason to ask other people for help.…
When God wants something to happen, He makes it happen. So it should come as no surprise that He worked in extraordinary ways to bring Ezra home to his family. His mom recalled– Looking back at our adoption journey, there have been so many God-things. One of…
Arabella represents 1 of over 7,000 children welcomed as sons and daughters through Lifesong adoption support. You have dotted all your i’s and crossed every t. You crushed that pile of paperwork your adoption agency threw at you. You read books, watched webinars, talked to other adoptive parents,…
We believe money should never be the reason a child doesn't have a family. Many families consider adoption, but for many the reason they don't start the journey is money. Today we share the testimony of a family's second adoption. We are so thankful for families who say…
Start a conversation about adoption and it will (likely) take no time at all for the discussion to turn to money and "cost." It is no secret that adoption is expensive, but is it worth it? Here are 3 thoughts— 1. Adopting will cost you something. There is…
Adoption funding matters. For many families, it is the difference between adopting and not being able to adopt a child in need. Here at Lifesong, we believe in adoption funding and are grateful to those of YOU who give to make it possible. But every once in a…
After trying and unsuccessfully being matched 3 times for a little girl in the Philippines, we felt like God was tellingus to let our adoption plans go and to wait on Him. As a mom, I knew that when the timing was right, the right child would “fall…
It is often said that adoption takes a village, and it does! But specifically--Biblically--it takes the Church. If you are looking to expand your Church family's knowledge of or involvement with adoption, here are 7 ways to do so— 1. Welcome the questions. Anyone who has or was adopted knows adoption…
Brighter days and warm summer weather are ideal for these adoption fundraising ideas. Use this summer adoption fundraising list (or pass it along to willing friends and family asking how to help!)-- To sell: 1. Havea garage sale. Summer is garage sale season, and especially if you rally friends and family…