Lifesong Blog
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Read about the children we serve and receive important updates from our team, partners, and supporters.
"Something needs to change!" David Platt's vulnerable new book, Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need takes you along on a journey through the Himalayan mountains where Platt witnesses urgent physical and spiritual need. He then wrestles with hard questions…
You are raising an incredible, resilient child. And, by design, you are your child's greatest cheerleader. You get to champion the story. As a fellow adoptive parent, I have the desire to shout from the rooftops what God is doing in my child's life. Even further, I want…
Caring for children in need is not a natural decision. If it were instinctive, far more people would do it. And God wouldn't need to remind us throughout the Bible to make it a priority. Caring for children in need—whether working in Southeast Asia to rescue children from trafficking,…
One thing is increasingly clear: We live in a world of hurt. Right now, as we prepare our kids for an exciting new school year, there are many children—some who will sit right next our kids in the classroom—who have spent this summer experiencing abuse, hunger, or isolation.…
Let's face it, parenting is hard work. And parenting children with difficult histories can add unique challenges. But what you're doing every day for your child—caring, teaching, loving—is eternally significant work. So parents, here are 10 verses for your encouragement— 1. Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both…
Foster parenting is good, but hard. Foster parenting as a single parent can be even harder, but it can also be very good. Earlier this year, Jillian Kellenberger—a fellow teammate at The Forgotten Initiative, Lifesong's foster care ministry—stepped out in faith and became a single foster parent. Here's what she…
Every day, an estimated 5,700 children become orphaned around the world. According to UNICEF, this happens because of war, natural disaster, poverty, disease, stigma, and medical need. Here in the United States—while we don't have traditional orphanages—the number of children in foster care continues to increase. In 2012,…
In your church, families who are fostering and adopting need your help. Here at Lifesong, we take seriously our responsibility—and privilege—to encourage churches and church leadership like yours to get involved, and to equip church members to reach children and families in need. Jason Johnson, Director of Church…
Heartache is nearly a pre-requisite on the foster care/adoption journey. You probably know already that no foster care or adoption story is without loss or grief ... and notonlyfor the child. Maybe you've experienced— InfertilityLoss of a dreamDifficult goodbyesMissed milestonesInability to bond Or maybe you have no idea…
CAFO2019 Summit just ended in Louisville, KY. Over 2000 people from 100 nations gathered in 1 place for 1 reason: to glorify God by learning better how to love and reach children and families in need. And whether or not you were able to attend, we want you…