Lifesong Blog

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Visit Lifesong Zambia Today!

We aren't all able to hop on a plane and fly across the ocean to visit our team in Zambia, so we brought the Lifesong Zambia team to you.Keep scrolling to take the ZambiaVirtual Vision Trip... Welcome to Lifesong Zambia! While you're here, you'll learn why the ministry…

4 Idols Adoption Breaks Down

We often label them as reasons or excuses. But the Bible uses a harsher term: idols. As you evaluate your heart toward adoption (or any other big decision), you may discover aspects of your life that have become idols. But be encouraged. God doesn't allow us to settle…

5 Times Jesus Prioritized the Marginalized

Jesus came to earth to reach and restore broken people. During His brief time on earth, Jesus was good at drawing marginalized people to Himself—those who were consistently and deliberately pushed aside by society. He listened, He took action, and He met needs. Contrary to human nature, Jesus…