Thanks to Her Mentor, Diana Knows God’s Love

Diana was born in a prison and lived there for the first 3 years of her life.
She was then transferred to an orphanage. But the emotional pain she experienced caused her to distance herself from others.
That changed in 2015 when Diana met Yulia, who became her trusted mentor. Yulia held a Bible study at Diana’s orphanage, and after the first gathering, Diana decided to never to miss it.
She had found a place where she belonged.
Watch God’s redemptive story for Diana unfold—
The more time Diana spent with Yulia, the more curious she grew about God. She began to ask questions. Then, when Yulia invited her to a Lifesong summer camp, everything changed. In Diana’s words—
“It was there that God touched my heart. I realized that without God, life has no meaning, and I repented.”
For the first four weeks of the war in Ukraine, Diana and the other children stayed in the orphanage basement. Even as her town was occupied by Russian soldiers, she clung to her belief that God was faithful and wouldn’t give her more than she could handle together with Him.
Diana shares—
“If you compare Diana before and after repentance, that’s two different people.”
Before repenting, Diana describes herself as aggressive and uncontrollable, but after repenting, she says she grew in kindness and started to smile more often. Diana’s life was changed.

Top: Diana receives recognition and encouragement from her mentor, Yulia.
Yulia has also seen Diana’s transformation.
She shares—
“There have been very bright changes in Diana’s life, in her behavior, and in her attitude toward people. I’m very happy about that.”
After all Diana has been through, she feels called to serve orphaned and vulnerable children like her. She dreams of leading her own Bible study—like Yulia did for her—and perhaps, one day hearing the words, “Thanks to Diana, we know God’s love.”
Reach orphans with Gospel-centered care.
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